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《An Energetic Day Comes From “Future”Horizons》 By CHANG CHENG


為什麼人隨著年紀,常常愈來愈滄桑呢?你有沒有想過這個問題? 其實原因很簡單,因為我們開始不跟「未來」接軌了。 「未來」並非指所謂的「流行」,而是「更為靈性的明天」。

Why do people get depressed in the face of life’s vicissi⋯⋯tude when they grow older? Have you ever thought about it ? It’s simple, because we stop connecting to the”future.” “Future” does not refer to the so called “popular trends”, but becoming” more spiritual tomorrow”.

人如果持續地與「更為靈性的明天」接軌,震動頻率就會一直提昇,就愈能保持朝氣和青春。 If you keep connecting to the “more spiritual tomorrow”, it would continue to raise your vibrational frequency, maintaining a state of youth and vitality.

我一直從高靈那兒在接收著有關「更靈性的明天」的拼圖,這樣的明天,把我的今天,和我的過去都整合在「愛」裡面了,這種意想不到的效果,讓我透過「明天」的「清楚」,「療癒」過去的「哀愁」,也產生出「今日」的力量。這讓我愈來愈平和與輕盈,也更知道自己現在該怎麼做,安步當車。 I have been receiving the puzzle of the more spiritual tomorrow from the high being. It integrated the past and present into “love”, which was a pleasant surprise. Strength for “today” arises with healing from “past” sorrow through the clear vision of the “future.” Also it makes you feel more peaceful and more at ease in that you know there is room for relaxing and learning by step,

所以,藉由「更靈性的明天」,來整合你的現在與過去,其實是個好主意!所謂的「明天」,其實就是尚未被多數人意識到;卻已然存在的更高層次的生命視野、社會視野、文明視野,讓你的心智馳騁在這樣的視野,你就能創造更寬闊的自己。 so you can figure out what to do with your life. So, it is a great idea to integrate your past life with your present life via the”more spiritual tomorrow.” In fact, the so called “tomorrow” is that most people have yet to realize the higher level of perspective of life, social perspective, and global civilization. You will expand your horizons when letting your mind wander freely in this view.

怎麼做呢?多加閱讀和聆聽來自「更靈性的明天」的各種訊息,與其他已上路的朋友經常討論和交流想法;甚至,你能開始參與創造更靈性的社會的行動,那麼你就會讓你現在的生活與生涯發展,注入更多活力。 What to do ? Reading and listening to the information of “the more spiritual tomorrow”, and often discuss and share each other. You would inject more vitality in your life and career development when you begin to participate in creating spiritual and social action.

很多人沒有「今天」的方向,正是因為缺乏「明天」的視野,不是嗎?人生就像車伕推車,不能只是低頭跑,也要抬頭看! Many people don’t have “today’s” direction, because they lack of perspectives on the future. Life is like the driver pushing the cart; you can’t just run forward with your head low, you must look up!


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