《你的步履,讓人間多一條路》文/章成 《Your step makes the world a better place》 By Chang Cheng
人是感情的動物,受到氣氛的影響很大。我們在甚麼樣的氣氛裡,就只會做這個氣氛裡的事情。很多時候我們所認為的限制,其實只是一種氛圍,並不是說真的沒有選擇了。不在那個氛圍裡你就可以做出不一樣的事情,所以很多你以為自己做不到的事情,並非你真的做不到,而是你現在的想像跟視野帶給你的氣氛,讓你無法做到,那個做的自由是一直都存在的。 Humans are emotional creatures and easily influenced by the atmosphere. How does the atmosphere influence you? You can only do what you believe. In many cases, thinking that we are limited is itself an atmosphere factor; it does not mean you have no other choice. You can make a difference when you are not in the same ambience. Many things you thought were impossible to achieve was not that you cannot make it at all. However, your imagination and horizon make you think that you cannot do it. In fact, freedom of action is always there.
就像一個小孩在時空的經驗還未擴展前,當媽媽不在他的視線內,他就以為媽媽消失了,而產生很大焦慮的情緒,當然你會覺得現在的你不可能再這樣了,但當你長大之後面臨不同的困難,你還是會有恐懼的,然而要記住,這只是我們現在的生命格局,所產生的幻象,它不是真實的。 It was like a child has not been expanding his experience in space and time; as a mother was not within his sight, he thought his mother has disappeared, and this caused high anxiety. You will undoubtedly not react the same way, but you still have fears; however, remember it is just an illusion to the pattern of your present life. It is not real.
只是,如果有很多的人都活在同樣的氛圍裡,這個幻象就會變得彷彿很真實。譬如我們的文化都教導要結婚生子,我們的社會一直在強化這種生涯畫面,但很少去勾勒一個單身卻也能過得很盈滿的生活畫面。因為我們的社會缺乏單身生活的美好畫面,所以單身的人就會開始擔心,親朋好友也會加進來幫你強化這個擔心。然而,假如有一個人他是單身,但是他發展出屬於他的快樂生活形態,他去看一個因為單身而極度焦慮的人,就會覺得沒有必要如此。若你只能在主流社會所給你的選項中去選擇,你很難發揮開創性。每個人有不同的特質,人生也有很多變數,你不一定適合過著跟多數人一樣的人生,當你跟別人不一樣的時候,若你只能參考別人給你的畫面,你就會有很大的恐懼。 If many people are simply living in the same ambience, this illusion will become so real to us. For example, our culture has taught to get married and start a family. Also, our society has strengthened the picture of a career, but seldom gives a sketch of single people who can also lead productive and fulfilling lives. Because we lack a better view of an individual life in our society, single people start worrying, but their relatives and friends would help intensify the worry even more. In other words, if a person is single and creates a happy lifestyle, he or she would feel there is no need to be worried about being single. If you only pick-up options at the mainstream society, you can hardly play a pioneer. Everyone has different good qualities, and there are so many variables in life that makes it different from others. When you are not like other people in that you are only living someone else’s life, you will sense great fear.
其實,你來到地球,踏出了你的步履,就是為了讓人間多一條路可走的,想想這個吧,這對所有人都是很大的貢獻,加油吧。 In reality, you come to earth, step out, and walk to make the world better—there are more than one possible courses of action. Come to think of it; it is a great contribution to mankind. You can do it.