《如何走上你的天命之路?》 文/章成 “How to live out your life purpose?” by Chang Cheng
人來到這個世界上,誰也不想要感覺自己渺小,我們想要感覺到自己很重要,渴望人們能夠看出我們的價值。我們很想感覺到自己不只是生存著,然後老去(更不用說就這樣死去),我們真希望感受到自己的存在有著非凡的意義。 As a human being in this world, no one would like to feel small and insignificant. We want to be important and wish that other people value us. We want to have a feeling that we are not just only living, then getting old (not to say then just die). We really hope to feel that our existence are extraordinarily meaningful.
這些都不是「自私的」,這些都沒有錯的,它們其實是來自靈魂深處的渴望,所以我們一次又一次的造訪這個地球,在其中努力著。 These are not “selfish”. These are not wrong at all. They are desires from our souls deep inside us. That is why we come to this earth and work hard in our lives again and again.
只是大多數人的努力方向錯了,所以愈努力反而離得愈遠,這就是目前人類文明的實際狀況:我們擁有有史以來最富庶的高科技生活,可是心裡的壓力、對未來的不安全感、不能功成名就的害怕以及獨處時的空虛….比之於過去的時代,卻有過之無不及。 However, most people are working hard in a wrong way. The harder they work, the more distance they are away from their souls. What actually is happening in the current human development is that, we have achieved the most advanced technology and have applied them excessively in our daily lives, while the stress and pressure we feel, the insecurity we have for the future, the fear of failure and loneliness, are overwhelming us when compared to people living in the past.
問題的關鍵在於,當我們是用人類的「頭腦」去努力的時候,就會帶來你現在看到的狀況:愈努力,愈感覺到無常,即使擁有了,頭腦仍然在害怕,所以內在的焦慮、嫉妒或羨慕,並沒有減少。 The key to the problem is that, when we are following the human “mind” to work hard, it brings the current situation that the harder we work, the more we feel that things are out of our control. Even we got things we want, the mind is still feeling scary. So the worries, jealousy, or envy deep inside us are not lessened but still there.
真心從愛為出發點的夢想,會被宇宙間所有的愛力支持(這就是所謂「步入天命」)。 The three dimensional “mind” has drawn a virtual line separating it with all things and other people from the beginning. Since it has been so clearly cut itself out to such a “small part”, how can it not feeling small? Only few people experienced, through being “thankful” and “reflective”, the life being back to oneness to “give”, which is as follows: Dreams truly come from love will be supported by all the forces of love in the universe (This is what we meant “living out your life purpose”).
「愛」就是你意識中,那個具有一體性的部分,而所謂的「神」,也就是宇宙間所有基於愛,互相奉獻的總和(所以才能無所不在的幫助任何需要的人),這個龐大的雲端你一旦回歸,這個地球上的你就開始綻放獨特的創造性,開始步上你真正的天命,而這樣的你也會感受到非凡的生命價值。 “Love” is the part consists of oneness in your consciousness. The so called “god” is the sum of all giving from love in the universe (so it can be everywhere to help whoever in need). Once you return to this huge cloud, the you on this earth begin to radiate your unique creativity. You start to live out your life purpose and feel the extraordinary value of life.
很多人看了小說西遊記之後說,要是唐僧身邊沒有孫悟空等神通廣大的弟子,根本到不了西天就被妖怪吃了,這就是「頭腦」解讀故事的方式。其實剛好相反,讓他們四人取經成功,甚至最終能成佛成神的關鍵,正是因為這個什麼都不會的唐僧,有著眾人都沒有的心願—願意為大家到印度取經。因為他的夢想是從愛出發,所以才會得到天助,而所經歷的過程才會成為一個「回家」(即修成正果)的歷程。 Many people after reading the Chinese novel “Journey to the West” said, if Monk Tang did not have the very powerful and capable students such as Monkey Sun Wukong, he would probably be eaten before he reached the West. This is a typical way of how the “mind” interpret a story. On the contrary, the very clear intention deep from the heart of Monk Tang, but not any of other people, is the key for the four of them to successfully take the sutras, and eventually become buddha or god. Although not having any special ability, Monk Tang was truly willing to go to India and take the sutras, not for himself but for all people. His willingness and intention were from love and so he got the assistance from the divine. Finally what they experienced during the process became a journey to return home (meet with the dharma and achieve Buddhahood).
常常有很多人問:我的天命是什麼?我要如何走上我的天命?「瑟多納的召喚」這本書中說:「社會上認為成功通常需要財富與名氣;而達到完滿所需要的,是瞭解你的人生的目的,並且為了實現你的天命而活。成功,是一場你死我活的競賽,完滿則是人人都是贏家的活動…..心靈完滿需做的,是幫助他人。」 Many people ask, “What is my life purpose? How can I live out my life purpose?” Quoted from the book “The Call of Sedona”, “Success as society usually defines it is achieved by acquiring wealth and fame, but completion is achieved by knowing the purpose of your life and living a life that’s loyal to that calling. Success is a dog-eat-dog race, but completion is an event where each person prepares their own victory trophy. Completion requires continuous self-reflection and self-motivation for personal improvement. While success in human society requires competition with other people, spiritual completion is instead about helping others. “
說得太對了,如果你的存心是:只有人人都是贏家的事,我才做,我願意好好的思考這點,並跟隨著我的觸動而行,那麼,你的天命之路即刻展開。 This is so true. If you determine to do only things that can make all people win, you are willing to sincerely think about that, and act according to your intuition and what truly touch you, then, you immediately begin to live out your life purpose.