Why do people get depressed in the face of life's vicissi⋯⋯tude when they grow older? Have you ever thought about it ? It's simple, because we stop connecting to the"future." "Future" does not refer to the so called "popular trends", but becoming" more spiritual tomorrow".
If you keep connecting to the "more spiritual tomorrow", it would continue to raise your vibrational frequency, maintaining a state of youth and vitality.
I have been receiving the puzzle of the more spiritual tomorrow from the high being. It integrated the past and present into "love", which was a pleasant surprise. Strength for "today" arises with healing from "past" sorrow through the clear vision of the "future." Also it makes you feel more peaceful and more at ease in that you know there is room for relaxing and learning by step,
so you can figure out what to do with your life. So, it is a great idea to integrate your past life with your present life via the"more spiritual tomorrow." In fact, the so called "tomorrow" is that most people have yet to realize the higher level of perspective of life, social perspective, and global civilization. You will expand your horizons when letting your mind wander freely in this view.
What to do ? Reading and listening to the information of "the more spiritual tomorrow", and often discuss and share each other. You would inject more vitality in your life and career development when you begin to participate in creating spiritual and social action.
Many people don't have "today's" direction, because they lack of perspectives on the future. Life is like the driver pushing the cart; you can't just run forward with your head low, you must look up!