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The Secret: How to Make God’s Words Efficacious to You

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The Secret: How to Make God’s Words Efficacious to You 《讓神對你靈驗的秘密》 中譯英 BY HHC

每個人或多或少都曾經向神明祈求過指示,無論是用占卜、求籤、通靈收訊息等等的方式… 然而即使當時收到的指引是正確的,很多人照著去做也會不靈驗,為什麼呢? 本文就要解答這個問題。 More or less, everyone has the experience of praying to gods for instructions, whether it is by means of divination, Kau Chim, or channeling for messages. However, even if the guidelines received at that moment are correct, they ⋯⋯are inefficacious to many people who have followed them precisely. Why? This article is meant to answer this question.

The Spirit’s messages are twofold; one comes from begging, and the other is what the Spirit voluntarily gives. For M and me, almost all the messages are what the Spirit voluntarily gives. Since we ask almost nothing in return for this life, we would serve as a bridge and do whatever the Spirit wants us to do for the rest of our lives.


Such circumstance comes, nevertheless, when you do have virtues; otherwise, the “spirit” you channel with may not necessarily be a “spirit of high level”. That is to say, messages of all levels are in fact everywhere. If you are not ready, the message you receive will be of a lower level. The so-called “lower level” is that there will be traps in the message. But the term “traps” is a description used by a person who has ascended high enough to have a vision to see its bias. This is not meant to say that the message is either good or bad. For the person receiving the message, it may be just the right “homework” for him or her at the stage then. If he or she follows the message for once, and sees things more clearly in the end, then it would become a gift for ascension.


A lot of people would ask for messages of a higher level when they are in doubt or in difficulty. They may do so through meditation, Kau Chim in temples, card divination, or counseling with a channeler and so on …… They must hope to get guidelines to greatly cut down the “unnecessary long ways that they may need to travel”. If they are sincere, they can get useful messages to them. But even if the message is right, it’s just a good beginning. There is one thing most people do not know, and that is:

When you pray to God for guidance, the message you receive will be coming, through whatever channels, almost always with an “Exam Answer Sheet”.



If you make mistakes on this exam answer sheet, then the obviously right message will become void in your future parallel universe, or you may even consider the right message to be wrong from your viewpoint. In other words, you will definitely be very happy if God gives you guidance and you will focus on the answers you’ve got. But when God gives you the answer, at the same time, He will also make that answer your exam with great finesse. If you fail the exam, His answer will lose its efficacy.


For example, you ask a tarot fortuneteller if there is a chance to fix up a relationship. The result of the cards is “Death” in a reversed position, which seems clear to you that you both are likely to get reconciled. But when you hear the word “reconciled”, your mind runs through a “list” of pros and cons, gains and losses. The mind simply could not help making a longer list of questions. For example, “What am I supposed to do now to get it back?” “Is it really working to my advantage to get reconciled?” “What should I do with the other existing relationship?”……In fact, the exam has begun as you start to think about these.


Or you ask a psychic what to do with your career? As a result, it is revealed that a partner suitable for you to cooperate with would appear if you go abroad, so you start to change your plans and calculate to go abroad. Maybe you need to sell your house, or convince someone to support you, or quit your job …… While you’re heading in the direction the message gives, at the same time, a secret exam will be going on. That is why the process is described as an “Exam Answer Sheet”.


If you do not pass the exam concealed in the message, you will be rejected by yourself. In other words, the subsequent development will come to nothing. You may even think that the message is wrong because apparently you have already followed the instruction, but things still get worse.


As a rule, no one would explain to you what’s going on, so a variety of emotions may arise (blaming God for being inefficacious is an instance). But in fact, the real reason is that you have complied with the message only externally, and you do not pass the concealed exam! This concealed exam tests only one thing, the essence of which is very difficult to identify and comes in various patterns. Today you who are reading this article are blessed since the answer can be revealed to you! What the exam tests is: can you keep good thoughts at heart?

That is to say, perhaps the relationship can be fixed up, but how will you deal with this process of reconciliation? Will you keep good thoughts while treating all the people and things involved in this process?

通常沒有人會跟你解釋是怎麼回事,所以你可能就會有各種情緒(例如埋怨神不靈),但其實真正的原因,是你表面上遵從了訊息,卻沒有通過那張夾帶的考試卷!這張夾帶的考試卷只考一件事情,但是由於題型千變萬化,所以你很難認出它的本質。今天看到這篇文章的你有福了!因為答案是可以告訴你的,這張考卷考的就是:你有沒有心存善念。 也就是,也許戀情真的可以復合,但後續你怎麼處理這個復合的過程?對於這個過程裡面所涉及的一切人事物,你是否有心存善念去對待?

Maybe it is suitable for you to start a business next year, and you are told, “You can do it.” But how will you do with all the people and things that are involved in the course of this track gauge conversion? With what ideas will you get in touch with them? Can you balance the “give and take” by the scales you feel at heart?


Even after you have got the instruction and heard the God-given direction, you may only follow it with an investment mentality of half-believe half-doubt, or taking a gamble. Once you find the situation far from what you intend it to be, doubts and fears immediately grow in the mind. Will you try to look for other channels and ask one more time? Or will you not forget your initial resolution in earnest prayer for the problem, devote with courage and stick to it till the end?

All of these are to test whether or not you can “keep good thoughts at heart”. If you can, and you practice the message God has given you, you will succeed.



Is it easy, then, to “keep good thoughts at heart”? Many people think that they do keep good thoughts at heart. The truth, however, is that most people often hide from themselves their real motives in making choices, which are packaged as “good thoughts”, deceiving themselves and others, too. In fact, a lot of people do not know what the “heart” in “keep good thoughts at heart” is? Their good thoughts are an explanation given by their “mind” (brain), which is a kind of packaging design, instead of an expansion from their hearts.


You may be educated to become cultured, polite, and never speak ill of others. But “being cultured” may also be a packaging design, which does not mean that you are truly kind and generous from the depths of your heart. If you are such a person genuinely, it is impossible that you have always been anxious about life and kept searching for messages; your life should have been more and more desire-less.

Because you will know “who I am” on a non-verbal platform, you will be well situated and enjoying yourself in this “who I am”, and you will do whatever makes this “who I am” joyous and opulent (devotion). You will not live inside the envy, inferiority and jealousy, unceasingly pursuing or hankering to become a certain kind of people.



So, here’s the grim truth: The vast majority of people are reborn to practice “keeping good thoughts at heart”. (People tend to think that it is the minimum requirement, and they have long since reached this target. But not really, as a matter of fact.) If it is so easy to keep good thoughts at heart, the world would have long since been a paradise, and we all would have long since been marching towards the path of Bodhisattva.


People ask messages from God only when they come to the crossroads of life. Let’s imagine the worst. When you encounter Elmer Gantry, if you keep good thoughts at heart, even the messages from Elmer Gantry would happen to be helpful to you.

As the saying goes, “Fortune favors fools”. The so-called “fools” are the people who “keep good thoughts at heart”. The key to whether you can get through all kinds of barriers in life is whether you can keep good thoughts at heart. Most people have been stuck in the same place for a long time, keeping coming back for rebirth for a long time, which is to confirm that in fact, everyone still has a lot to practice in terms of “keeping good thoughts at heart”! (Just like the fact that National Health Insurance will go bankrupt no matter what. How does that come about?)



Let’s get back to the point. You may channel by yourself, or you may go for Kau Chim, divination, or consult a mentor for guidance if you are in trouble, but please remember: only by keeping good thoughts at heart will your action be correct and the parallel universe which you want to open be aimed at.

Therefore, the most important points of this article are coming. How can we practice “keeping good thoughts at heart”?

Two steps:

1. To feel with sincerity (introspection): Why do I encounter this crossroad of life?

2. To feel with honesty (introspection): Have I chosen to do what I should do?(Do I serve my duty?)

拉回來講,所以如果你覺得自己可以通靈,或是你有困難會去求籤、占卜、或找老師諮詢尋求指引,請記住唯有「心存善念」,你的執行才會是對的,才會校準那個你想開啟的平行宇宙。 因此本文最最重要的重點來了:怎麼去修「心存善念」呢? 兩個步驟: 1.真誠地去感覺(反省):我為什麼會遇到這個人生的十字路口? 2.誠實地去感覺(反省):自己有沒有選擇做該做的事情? (我的本分做到了嗎?)

At every test in your life, if you can spontaneously perceive “why God has given me this exam paper”, in fact, this “spontaneous perception” is already a channeling, which is also “back to the heart”. Then, can you feel from the viewpoint of this “heart”, look back to yourself in the past, and know with clarity where you have taken the wrong path? So, will you have feelings about how to decide on the quick event? This is “back to the heart”, which is to guide yourself by practically following the good thoughts.


We were born into this world to do our own homework. Thus, the so-called “crossroads in life” is not impermanence but something that we will inevitably encounter; besides, that is a good opportunity for us to finish our homework. Every crossroads is also the stepping stone of your life, which can lift you up.


It is quite normal if you don’t know how to go back to your “heart” to do your homework, and that’s why we’ve been caught in Samsara (repeated cycles of birth and death). Perhaps your mind has long pretended to be your heart, making it difficult for you to distinguish between true and false. As long as you practice the foregoing two points at the crossroads of life with consciousness, the further you go, the more correct your direction of life will be and the messages you have sought will be more and more efficacious.


I hope that you can read and understand this article well. Apply to your own life with what you have grasped. If you still feel confused and unable to negotiate your obstacles, or you cannot tell whether your own decision is made by the mind or the heart, then you may come to Mentor for assistance.


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