《該怎麼平衡發展孩子的左右腦?》 How to Balance the Development of Children’s Left Brain and Right Brain?
一位母親詢問: 現在的教育專家都很強調不要扼殺孩子右腦的發展(想像力、創意…),我也很同意,尤其孩子們在學校念了一整天的書,已經訓練了一整天的左腦,所以我的責任應該是要鼓勵他們使用右腦,但是我卻發現他們回到家,我還是一直在教孩子要遵守規矩、按時作息、要有禮貌…對於孩子,做父母的很難不要求他們做這個、做那個,但這些也是在訓練左腦啊!所以到底應該怎麼做才能讓孩子的左右腦發展平衡呢?⋯⋯
A mother’s inquiry: Nowadays, education experts always stress not to wipe out children’s right-brain development (for imagination, creativity……), which I cannot agree more; particularly, children have spent whole day studying at school, which is virtually a left-brain training. Therefore, my responsibility should be to encourage them to use right brain. But I find that I have been teaching them to abide by rules, daily routines, and social codes after school…… It is very difficult for parents not to ask their children to do this and that, which are exactly a left-brain training though! So, what on earth should be done to help children develop well-balanced brain hemispheres?
章成老師回答: 孩子的右腦本來就比成人更發達,相對的是左腦比較不發達,所以教他邏輯思考、禮貌規矩、分辨人我、遵守交通規則是必要的,因為這是來到地球這個教室的基本必備能力,不然連生存都有問題。
Mentor Zhang-Cheng’s reply: Children are more right-brain-dominant than adults by nature. In contract, they are also less developed in left brain. Therefore, it is essential to teach them manners, logical thinking, self-others relationship, and traffic rules, which are all basic abilities essential for being in the Earth classroom; otherwise, even survival can be a problem.
Nevertheless, how can right brain be protected from being killed? It is to have children’s happiness more from “feedback to right brain” rather than “feedback to left brain.” In other words, right brain has its pleasures whereas left brain has its delights. “Feedback to left brain” means to give children praises when the behavior is “good” or “right”; winning the foot race, speaking fluently, giving correct answers are some of the instances. “Feedback to right brain” means to have children simply enjoy the fun of running, talking, painting, and imagining……
孩子一直有透過回饋右腦的活動而得到樂趣,右腦就不會被扼殺了,人生的樂趣就不會愈來愈僅限於「比別人成績好」和「答對正確答案」。 但回饋左腦也是需要的,這樣孩子才能學習生存的基本能力。只要父母親記得去分辨,當事情是跟生存無關的時候,就不要帶進「跟別人比較」和「標準答案」,孩子自然就能永遠享受他的右腦世界所給予他的樂趣了。
When children have always had fun through activities of giving feedback to right brain, the right brain will not be killed, and the pleasures of life will not be more and more restricted to “better grades than others” and “giving correct answers”. But it is also necessary to give feedback to left brain so that children can learn the basic abilities to survive. So long as parents remember to distinguish whether things are relevant to survival, (and if they are irrelevant, parents should not bring up “comparison with others” and “standard answers”), children will naturally be able to enjoy the fun of the right-brain world forever.
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